Hairrible™ Hairlines

The Switch-Up
I get different reactions when my hair has been straightened versus when I wear it in it’s natural, kinky, state.Maybe you’ve experienced this, maybe you haven’t. Maybe it happened when you weren’t even aware—but make no error, the switch-up is real. What switch-up, you ask? I’m speaking on the different ways people may treat you based on your current hairstyle. You switch up the style, they switch their behavior.
Maybe you’ve experienced this, maybe you haven’t. Maybe it happened when you weren’t even aware—but make no error, the switch-up is real. What switch-up, you ask? I’m speaking on the different ways people may treat you based on your current hairstyle. You switch up the style, they switch their behavior.
This can happen to any person, young or old, as we are all judged on our outward appearance. Although, there is no set standard of how we should present ourselves, there is a stigma that lies within each style choice.
This week, we take a look at a social experiment by Youtuber, Maria Mwene. Maria’s experiment sets out to prove the hypothesis that the more Eurocentric your hair, the more white counterparts you attract. She goes on to explain how her hair, as a black woman, plays a major role in determining job opportunities, the types of men she is likely to attract, as well as the socioeconomic status of those men. Click the link below to check out the experiment and view the results!

Neu Baby!
By now, I’m sure you’ve seen these instant baby hairs by way of temporary tattoo edges tattoos. I’ll be surprised if you haven’t, as this innovative new beauty product quickly went viral. Neu Baby promises to deliver perfect edges in mere minutes. Let’s be clear, this is not an advertisement or endorsement—nor is it a review. BUT these press-on baby hairs is an ingenious new product worth noting. You can check out their site here
Before you go… |
Last, but certainly not least check out this week’s Hairrible Tale, after all, that’s what Hairrible is all about. |

Self-Service Styling
I've had more hair salon horror stories since I've been natural. One in particular still irks me to this day. After being natural for close to a year, I decided to get my hair trimmed. I live in a predominately white area and I walk in to the salon asking for the one woman who actually knows what she's doing. Sadly, she was busy and this younger new girl tells me she knows how to do my hair. So I give her a chance. This girl washes my hair and then waits for it to dry before combing it out with a rat tail comb. The five minutes in she asks me how I normally do it, then proceeds to asks me to comb out my own hair...I was completely dumbfounded. It's not the worst that could have happened but this girl was so serious it killed me lol.
That’s it for this week! As promised, we kept it short, sweet, and not spammy at all! Did you love it? We know you love it so be sure to share with your friends, and be sure to submit you own Hairrible Tale to be featured!
Erica J.
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