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"I've never had well-behaved, manageable har. I have so many blackmail pictures from back in the day it's unreal! Bad hair days didn't exist. I had a bad hair life..."

The Hairrible Truth


So… Why Hairrible?

Trust me, there have been plenty of days where I have gone to bed knowing that the style I set would look fabulous. Then I woke up.

I’m sure that I am not the only one who’s had a bad hair day (or two–or ten). My goal is to ensure that you and I never feel alone in our hair struggles– especially when the hair on our heads takes on a life of its own!

Honestly, we all have bad hair days. Be it God-given or purchased, we have days where our hair just won’t behave–and thus, was born. At Hairrible, every day is a bad hair day.

What exactly is
What exactly is

Hairrible is when you look in the mirror and realize that only a pair of clippers can fix the issue. Hairrible is when your stylist overpromises on the style you want, and you leave the shop looking like you never went. Most importantly, Hairrible is an online community serving anyone that enjoys an exchange of hilariously unfortunate hair experiences. If you find yourself in that number, we encourage you to submit your Hairrible Tale, cringe-worthy pics/vids, or simply check out the misfortune of others just like you. Soon enough, the initial shock and embarrassment of your mane mishap will wear off and you’ll be laughing along with the rest of us.

Stay Hairrible, babes. Xx,



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